Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский сообщил в своем Telegram-канале, что встретился с раввинами и зажег свечи, подаренные президентом Аргентины Хавьером Милеем.
The main conceptual idea of the text is Zelensky celebrating Hanukkah by lighting candles gifted by the President of Argentina, highlighting the shared celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas on December 25th.
The article also mentions other events, but the focus is on Zelensky's Hanukkah observance and the significance of receiving the menorah from the Argentine president.
The main conceptual idea of the text is Zelensky celebrating Hanukkah by lighting candles gifted by the President of Argentina, highlighting the shared celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas on December 25th. The article also mentions other events, but the focus is on Zelensky's Hanukkah observance and the significance of receiving the menorah from the Argentine president.